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Blog Articles

Do I Need Surgery to Correct My Bunions?

Do I Need Surgery to Correct My Bunions?

Surgery is highly successful in correcting bunion pain. However, it’s not always necessary. Many patients find relief with more conservative treatment options. Read on to learn more.
Sep 23rd, 2024
Are you Wearing the Correct Shoe Size?

Are you Wearing the Correct Shoe Size?

If you have been wearing the same shoe size since your 20s, you might not realize that your feet may have increased in size. On average your shoe size can increase by 1 to 1.5 shoe sizes in your lifetime.
Aug 13th, 2022

How Can Orthotics Help Me?

Orthotics are devices that you can wear in your shoes to help place your feet in better anatomical alignment. This helps you function in a way that reduces stress and strain on your feet.
Nov 6th, 2021

What is a Bunion?

A bunion, also known as hallux valgus, is the most common deformity of the forefoot.
Aug 17th, 2021

How Can Diabetes Affect Your Feet?

Diabetes can result in complications involving many parts of the body including your feet. It can cause poor circulation, decreased sensation, and delayed healing in the feet. These problems can be prevented by regular visits to your podiatrist.
Feb 27th, 2021

Como afecta la diabetes tus pies?

La diabetes puede resultar en altos niveles de glucosa en la sangre el cual te puede llevar a unas variedades de complicaciones de salud. Puede dañar tu corazón, tus vasos sanguíneos, tus riñones, tu sistema nervioso, y tus pies permanentemente.
Feb 9th, 2021


What is that hard bump underneath your toes and feet and how do you treat it? First, it is important to determine if it is a corn, callus, or plantar wart, but how?
Oct 17th, 2024


Do you have a cut or wound on your leg that doesn’t seem to go away? Is it painful, red, swollen, hot, or perhaps oozing pus? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may have an infection that needs to be treated immediately.
Sep 16th, 2024

Telehealth: The Advantages of Telemedicine

Struggles to get to the clinic? Trying to reduce your exposure to COVID-19, as well as other contagious illnesses, and still need to see your doctor? Telehealth is safe and easy — receive quality care from anywhere.
Sep 12th, 2024

Minimally Invasive Bunion Surgery

Minimally invasive bunion surgery is a cutting-edge solution for those with bunion deformities that are tired of pain, discomfort, and shoe struggles.
Jan 19th, 2024

Laser Therapy to treat Fungal Toenails

Fungal toenails are a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide. The condition is caused by a fungal infection that affects the toenails, making them appear yellow, thickened, and brittle.
May 19th, 2023

What Is Athlete's Foot?

Athlete's foot, or tinea pedis, is an infection of the skin along the feet that can be caused by a variety of different fungi. Although tinea pedis can affect any portion of the foot, the infection most often affects the space between the toes.
Nov 8th, 2022

Good Footwear

The right shoe will do wonders: cushions the foot - the midsole is the main part of the shoe that provides cushioning. Surprisingly, shoes don't reduce the force that goes through the body all that much.
Jun 7th, 2022
Verrugas Plantares

¿Como sé si tengo verrugas plantares?

No es demasiado dificultoso determinar si tiene verrugas en la planta de los pies porque los signos y síntomas son fácilmente reconocibles. Los más comunes suelen ser:
May 9th, 2022

MLS Laser Therapy for Pain

The MLS or “Multi-Wave Locked System” delivers two synchronized wavelengths of laser light. One emission acts on inflammation while the other has pain-relieving effects. This therapy has been cleared by the FDA and is used for lower extremity conditions.
Apr 25th, 2022
Hongos en las uñas de los pies

¿Qué es el hongo en las uñas de los pies?

La infección fúngica de las uñas de los pies (onicomicosis) es una afección común, especialmente a medida que las personas envejecen. Afecta a 1 de cada 10 personas en general.
Apr 22nd, 2022
 Lesión del tendón Peroneo

¿Qué es una lesión del tendón Peroneo?

Hay tres tendones peroneos: peroneo corto, peroneo largo y peroneo tercero. El ultimo rara vez se lesiona. Los otros dos tendones se lesionan con mayor frecuencia durante, una torcedura grave de tobillo.
Apr 21st, 2022
Tendon Repair

What is peroneal tendons injury?

A peroneal tendon injury can involve a painful tear or recurrent subluxation (dislocation) of the peroneal tendons, which attach the muscles on the outside of your calf to a bone in your foot.
Mar 15th, 2022

What is a ganglion cyst?

A ganglion cyst is a noncancerous fluid-filled mass. It tends to form near tendons or joints of the foot or ankle. They can also occur in the wrists or hands. They are typically round or oval in shape and are filled with a jelly-like fluid.
Jan 17th, 2022

What I’ve Experienced As a Podiatric Medical Assistant

Prior to joining Aloha Foot and Ankle as a medical assistant, I had no idea how essential podiatry was. After joining Aloha, I learned a lot from Dr. Chan and Dr. Nguyen about what it means to be a podiatrist and treat all patients with the utmost care.
Jan 3rd, 2022
Plantillas Ortopédicas

¿Como me pueden ayudar las plantillas ortopédicas?

Las plantillas ortopédicas son dispositivos que puede usarse en sus zapatos para ayudar a colocar sus pies en una mejor alineación anatómica. Esto le ayuda a funcionar de una manera que reduce el estrés y la tensión en sus pies.
Dec 21st, 2021

Tratamiento Laser removedor de hongos de uñas

La terapia láser para las uñas gruesas, amarillas y antiestéticas está disponible en nuestra oficina. Llame hoy para obtener más información sobre este tratamiento emocionante, seguro y eficaz.
Sep 15th, 2021

¿Que es un Juanete?

Un Juanete, también es conocido como hallux valgus, es una deformidad más común del antepíe.
Sep 3rd, 2021

Dedo en Martillo

Tenotomía Flexor: un procedimiento rápido para el dedo en martillo.
Jul 30th, 2021

Fascitis Plantar

La Fascitis Plantar es una patología ortopédica común que afecta a más de tres millones de personas en Los Estados Unidos al año.
Jul 27th, 2021

Flexor Tenotomy: A Quick Fix For A Hammertoe

A hammertoe can develop when the tendon on the underside of the toe (flexor tendon) tightens, resulting in contracture of the toe. A flexor tenotomy is a simple, low-risk procedure that can correct a hammertoe deformity.
Jul 26th, 2021

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is a common orthopedic pathology that affects more than 3 million people in the US per year. Injury or repetitive stress to the plantar fascia can cause inflammation, resulting in pain and stiffness, commonly along its insertion site.
Jun 29th, 2021

Laser Therapy for Fungal Toenails

Laser therapy for thick, yellow, and unsightly nails is available in our office. Please call today for more information regarding this exciting, safe, and effective treatment.
May 27th, 2021

What Is An Ingrown Toenail?

An ingrown toenail develops when the nail grows downward or curves into the skin. The nail digs in and irritates the skin, often causing pain, redness, and swelling, and some times infection.
Apr 19th, 2021

How Do I Know If I Have Plantar Warts?

It's not too hard to determine whether you have plantar warts because the signs and symptoms are easily recognizable. The most common ones tend to be:
Sep 22nd, 2020